Project Pictures
Every project has its own set of challenges. This house was three stories high with vaulted ceilings. The left side of the house was so high that we had to break out the forty foot ladder.
This Beautiful home was three stories high in the back and had three layers of old shingles. We replaced 300 linear feet of wood planks on the roof deck. Water was trapped under and in between the old layers of shingles rotting the wood. The water had nowhere to escape, it would evaporate then condensate between the layers never being able to make it out of the roof layers.
The windowsills on the top row of windows had all but rotted away. We removed what was left and replaced them with aluminum flashing. Notice the bright white windowsills at the bottom of the Windows. Each one of them had to be custom made to snap in tight.
This roof was strait foreword no issues or problems. The thing that stands out on this project is that the homeowner was so proud of the hard work and dedication that she sent us all thank you letters.
Your welcome Mary!
We will never forget this roof! there were two twelve inch strips of roof coming up each side of the backside. The flashing was rusted and compromised. We only had one man on the team that could fit on a twelve inch, very steep ledge. It was certainly a challenge that we enjoyed.
This Roof had a bunch of solar domes on the backside. It also had a kitchen edition add on coming off of the back also. A sewer vent pipe landed right in the middle of a valley that water runs down. We had to fix that situation, water was unknowingly leaking at that pipe and running down the outside wall behind the siding. We fixed a disaster getting bigger every time it rained.
This was a Sears Catalog home. The chimney was a metal box That had rust and holes all over it, we cleaned it, patched it and re-painted it. The home owner was thrilled that we made such a difference.

This is another Sears Catalog home. We were hired because this chimney box also had rust and holes all over it. We were the only roofing company that does more than just roofs and did such a great job on the other chimney that the homeowner insisted on Rottweiler Roofing.
This was another house with problems. No drip edge and the gutters were not touching the house. All the water was going behind the gutters falling to the ground and flooding the basement. We were contacted because we are known for fixing problems. They have not seen a drop of water in the basement since.
This roof was clear cut. We took the satellite dish off and put it back in the same spot. We have a method of changing the shingles underneath without losing signal. It takes some practice, but we have mastered the technique.
This house had a problem. The Pine trees filled the gutters full of pine needles then they would overflow. We installed gutter guards to stop the problem. And it worked. This older woman did not have to get on a ladder to clean her gutters ever again.
This old farmhouse had no flashing from the roof to the siding. The transition from the porches to the house were all leaking we installed flashing under the siding to the roof stopping all the leaks.